Teenage Engineering: pocket operators
@source(Teenage Engineering: pocket operators – PO-12 rhythm, @date(2024-04-22))
16 sound drum machine and sequencer, perfect for making beats. parameter locks and punch-in effects. pocket operators are small, ultra portable music devices. each model can be used individually, together or with other compatible gear.
- real synthesised drum sounds
- sampled drum sounds
- 16 punch-in effects
- 16 pattern chaining
- step multiplier
@source(Teenage Engineering: pocket operators, @date(2024-04-22))
and all the other nice POs:
pocket operators are small, ultra-portable music devices,
with studio quality sound and the flexibility to make music on the go.affordable for everyone and compatible with all other music gear.
- PO-14: deep bass line synthesizer withsequencer, parameter locks, playstyles and punch-in effects.
- PO-16: lead synthesizer for keys melodies.sequencer with parameter locks, play styles and punch-in effects.
- PO-20: arcade synthesizer and sequencer,with parameter locks, chord controland punch-in effects.
- PO-24: noise percussion drum machine andsequencer, with parameter locks, solofunctionality and punch-in effects.
- PO-28: live synthesizer and sequencer,with parameter locks, glide controland punch-in effects.
- PO-32: drum and percussion synthesizer andsequencer. the only pocket operator withunlimited sounds with microtonic vst.
- PO-33: micro sampler with 40 secondssample memory and built-inrecording microphone.
- PO-35: vocal synthesizer and sequencerwith built-in microphone for 8 differentvoice character sampling.