A Sense of Objectophilia, a Bit of Objectophobia and a Hint of Pygmalionism:
(20241206) teenage engineering: OP–XY
(20241127) Suzuki: Omnichord OM-108
(20241016) Dato: DRUM
(20240725) Electronic Materials Office: Altar I
(20240721) Casio VL-1
(20240711) Teenage Engineering: PO-80 record factory
(20240508) iA: iA Notebook
(20240506) rabbit: rabbit r1
(20240503) Dries Depoorter: Shirt
(20240424) Analogue: Pocket
(20240423) Maywa Denki: SUSHI BEAT
(20240422) Teenage Engineering: pocket operators
(20240411) Teenage Engineering: choir
(20240409) Dadamachines: automat toolkit
(20240408) Artiphon: INSTRUMENT 1
(20240407) Critter & Guitari: Kaleidoloop
(20240407) Dato: DUO
(20240304) monome: Teletype
(20240303) CHOMPI Club: CHOMPI Sampler
(20240302) monome: norns
(20240301) Maywa Denki: Otamatone
(20240229) Oliver Wittchow: nanoloop one
(20240228) Dirtywave: M8 Tracker Model:02
(20240227) CW&T: Solid State Watch
(20240226) Analogue: Super Nt’s Motherboard
(20240225) CW&T: Time Since Launch
(20240224) teenage engineering: EP-133 K.O. II
(20240223) Panic: Playdate
(20240222) OOP
A Sense of Objectophilia, a Bit of Objectophobia and a Hint of Pygmalionism