I thought I’d start a collection of things that somehow caught my attention. Currently the focus lies on things that have something to do with music making ( in particular with digital music ), gaming consoles, and PCBs. Most things are somewhat useless but enjoyable to use, own, show and talk about. All things are ( or at least were at some point ) released as editions or ( mass ) products ( in contrast to one-off artistic works ).
This collection is loosely related to Klangstrom and its Developer Diary but it is definitely maintained by Dennis P Paul.
I have decided to use a Fair Use policy for images, films, quotes, and other media types i.e i will download media where possible and store it in the assets
folder of this repository, i will, however, preserve the original source URL in the alt
tag and will refer to the source in the caption with the following idiom:
@source([Title](https://link.to.source), @date(YYYY-MM-DD))
i hope and believe that this is fair.
Dennis P Paul
Auf der Kuhlen 11
28203 Bremen